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My Slide Presentations

Here you can find my slides that I have made over the years. Most of them are for school, either for a project or to help study. Some of them are also tutorials and explinations to help my friends when they were lost during CS. Feel free to use these to study and share freely.

Java Tutorial

Here is a tutorial for Java that I had made for one of my friends. It is a very basic intro into programming and contains information on how to get started with Java.

Java Tutorial Part 1 Java Tutorial Part 2 Java Tutorial Part 3 Java Tutorial Part 4

For School

Here are slides that I had done for school. Mainly just class projects for programs that might be in the gitweb.

Parameterless Genetic Algorithms Bloom Filters in Distributed Systems

General Programming

These are tutorials I have made for friends on general aspects of computer programming. They contain useful information for studying.

C++ Algorithms and Data Structures Quick Guide to C++ Functions Intro to Programming